Published OnFebruary 6, 2025
What I Think What I Think


Chapter 1



Okay, Chip, before we dive into the nitty-gritty... let's just clear the air. Are you a believer?


Oh, we're jumping right in, huh? I mean, define "believer." Are we talking little green men sneaking around or, like, advanced tech from a country we don't even know about yet?


Fair point. But c'mon, I mean the whole extraterrestrial idea. The "unidentified" part of UAPs—Unidentified Aerial Phenomena for those of you keeping up—is intriguing, no?


Oh, totally. But my brain always goes to... like, "What if it's just some billionaire with a fancy toy, messing with us?" You know, like Bezos just got bored one afternoon.


Ha, Bezos in a UFO. I love the visual. But seriously, those UAP hearings in Congress weren’t exactly about toys, were they?


Yeah, that was wild. I, uh, I actually watched a bit of it. Felt like I was bingeing a new season of some political thriller. The testimonies were no joke.


Right? You've got government officials openly saying, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Yeah, some of these phenomena can't be explained." And then you’ve got pilots describing stuff that defies physics as we know it.


Wait, defies physics? Like, gravity doesn't apply to these things?


Exactly. They’re talking about objects moving at hypersonic speeds, pulling turns that’d, well, frankly, turn a human into jelly.


Jelly pilots. That’s my new band name, by the way.


It’s all yours. But seriously, Chip, these reports suggest technology far beyond anything we understand. No wings, no propulsion systems, no heat signatures. We're talking stuff that makes sci-fi look tame.


So basically, it's either aliens
 or scientists who've already seen the next two centuries of Marvel movies.


Maybe both. But the hearings raised another big question: Why is this all coming out now? Why the transparency?


Right! Like, what’s the play here? They can’t just go, “Oh, by the way, UFOs are real. Carry on with your day."


It definitely has people speculating. And let’s not forget the big one: if they're showing us this much, what aren’t they showing?


Dude. That gives me chills. Well, okay, maybe it’s my AC, but still!


And yet, some folks are just dismissing the whole thing, saying it’s smoke and mirrors. Either way, it’s huge—


Hold up. Eric, I gotta ask—

Chapter 2

What I think


Alright, Chip, you were about to ask something—but let’s flip it for a second. Let’s say aliens are, you know, a thing. Do you think people are ready to hear that?


Oh, absolutely. Like, we—we’ve handled pandemics, killer AI predictions, and every Marvel multiverse cliffhanger. What's one more existential crisis?


That’s... one way to look at it. But seriously, think about what that would mean. How do you even process something like, “Hey, extraterrestrial life exists, and they may have technology we can’t even fathom”?


Honestly? I think people would be, like, “Cool, do they have Netflix?”


Ha, Netflix priorities. But think about the broader implications—religion, science, geopolitics. It's not just a cultural shift—it’s a tectonic one.


Yeah, yeah, true. Though, you know, some folks out there are already convinced aliens are running the Pentagon. I saw this meme the other day—it had an alien in a suit with a name tag saying, “Hi, I’m Steve from Zorkon. Nice to meet you.” Cracked me up.


Steve from Zorkon. Love it. But honestly, you’re not far off. The idea that our government could be interacting with something otherworldly is... it’s mind-blowing, yet it doesn’t even phase some people anymore. It’s like we’re conditioned to not care.


Maybe ‘cause we’ve seen it all in movies already? Like, any revelation now has to compete with, I dunno, Independence Day or Star Wars, or whatever.


That’s a fair take. But here’s what bugs me—if they are drip-feeding us info now, it makes me wonder what the long game is. Are they priming us for something bigger?


Oof, you’re going full conspiracy on me, Eric. But you’re right—it’s like they’re saying, “Look, we trust you. You can handle this knowledge.” You think we’ve earned that trust?


Maybe. Or maybe it’s just damage control, you know? Either way, it feels like there’s more under the surface. It’s what they’re not saying that really fascinates me.


Yeah. And the fact that—to some people—this is, like, “just another day” is wild. Aliens, Eric. We’re actually debating aliens right now!


And yet here we are. Who would’ve thought? It almost makes everything else seem smaller by comparison. But here’s the thing—


Wait, wait—are you about to drop a mic moment? ‘Cause I need to brace myself.

Chapter 3

other Great Podcasts to check out


Okay, okay, so no mic moment after all. But seriously, Eric, for the UAP fans really diving in on this stuff, there’s no shortage of podcasts out there to keep the theories rolling.


Absolutely. A great one to start with is "Weaponized"—it’s hosted by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp. They bring a ton of insider knowledge and credible guests to dissect new UAP findings and controversies.


Oh, that’s on my list. But if you’re looking for something a little lighter, more fun, check out "Area 52." It’s got that "we’re sitting around a campfire swapping stories" vibe, but with curiously deep dives into weird phenomena. Plus, the hosts are a riot. Real East Coast energy... kinda reminds me of me.


I figured you’d say that. And it’s always fun to hear storytelling with a little bit of humor mixed in—for those who prefer a bit more entertainment with their intrigue.


Speaking of stories, we’ve got some of our own from listeners. Like Bruce from Tennessee—


Oh, yes! Let’s hear his email, Chip. I think it deserves a proper read.


Alright, Bruce says—and I’m paraphrasing here—he and his buddies were out night fishing when they noticed not one, not two, but five UAPs zooming around the sky. Then he’s like, “At first, we thought it was some kind of military drill, but these things
 no way. They were way too big, way too fast. And silent! Completely silent.”


That’s the part that gets me—no sound. And if you’re out on the water at night, you’re probably not dealing with light pollution, so they must’ve had a crystal-clear view.


Exactly. Then Bruce goes into what he thinks it all means. He wrote, “Look, I’m not saying little green men, but it’s hard not to wonder. The thing that bugs me is how the government just stays so tight-lipped about it. Why not just show us the photos or, at least, explain what these are?”


It’s a valid frustration, isn’t it? People just want clarity. Bruce, if you’re listening, thanks for sharing that story. It sounds like quite a night on the water.


Yeah. And hey, Bruce, if you’re ever back out fishing and spot another squadron of UFOs—or I guess UAPs now—you know who to call.

Chapter 4

Chips What I Think


You know, Eric, hearing stories like Bruce's really gets me thinking
 What if they are real? Like, really real. I mean, I'd love to meet one, but also, I think I’d, uh
 kinda freak out, you know?


Yeah, I can see that. Big brave Chip Carson—known UFO chaser—bolting at the first sign of an alien handshake.


Oh, c’mon! Admit it, you’d be nervous, too. Like, what do you even say to an extraterrestrial? “Uh, hi, welcome to Earth. Sorry about the Wi-Fi speeds.”


Ha! I mean, yeah, it would definitely be
 overwhelming. But imagine the questions you could ask—like, “How did you get here?” or “What’s gravity like on your planet?”


Okay, serious question: Do you think they've got pizza on their planet? Like, what if their entire culture is built on some alien version of pizza?


Ah, yes, intergalactic pizza diplomacy. That’s how we achieve world peace, everyone. Thanks, Chip.


You know I’m right. But honestly, though, all jokes aside, part of me does wonder—if we’re not alone, what does that mean? About us, about, I dunno, everything we think we know about the universe?


It’s a big question. One I think a lot of people are afraid to even ask. But talking about it, keeping the conversation open—it’s how we grow and understand our place in the cosmos.


Right, right. And hey, if you’re listening out there and you’ve got thoughts on this—or, I dunno, if you’ve had your own UAP experiences—drop us an email! Let’s hear what you think. Our inbox is always open at


Exactly. We love hearing your perspectives, and who knows? Maybe one of you out there has the missing piece to this whole puzzle.


Alright, Eric, I think we’ve officially crossed from “curious banter” into “Chip spiraling into alien pizza theories.”


It’s a slippery slope, my friend. But seriously, this has been a great conversation. So many layers to the UAP mystery, and, you know what? I have a feeling this isn’t the last time we’ll be talking about it.


Definitely not. And hey, thanks to all of you for tuning in. We’ll be back with more soon—who knows? Maybe next time we’ll get to talk aliens... with actual aliens. Fingers crossed.


On that note, thanks for listening, everyone. Stay curious out there, and we’ll catch you next time.

About the podcast

A Podcast for the people by the people, lets investigate, share what you think, what do you want to know, or what do you want other people to hear.

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